2011年3月14日 星期一

避免輻射傷害的瑜珈建議 Yogi Bhajan on Radiation

避免輻射傷害的瑜珈建議 Yogi Bhajan on Radiation

由於日本地震所引發的海嘯, 輻射場災害, 火山爆發等等災難, 我們開始在網站上看到了各種人類因應災害所發展出來的生存技巧. 這裡分享一下當年Yogi Bhajan在德國, 核能電廠車諾比事件影響整個歐洲及日本, 他們所喝的一種特別果汁配方:

1/3 pineapple 鳳梨

1/3 apple 蘋果

1/3 tomato 番茄



* Miso 味增
* Seaweed and kelp 海帶和紫菜

除此之外, 人們可以準備一些食物, 並確定來自於"服射災害前已栽種好的食物"!

1. Rice 米
2. Beans 豆子
3. Powdered milk (to make yogurt with – for protein) 奶粉 --作優格用--蛋白質
4. Alfalfa seeds 紫花苜蓿種子
5. Root vegetables that had already been harvested before the radiation poisoning. They store well. carrots, potatoes, beets, etc. 根莖類蔬菜, 在輻射傷害錢已栽種好的, 很好儲存的. 紅蘿蔔, 馬鈴薯, 甜菜
6. Any sprouts: source of protein 豆芽 --蛋白質來源

Yogi Bhajan更多療癒食物的建議

另外, Yogi Bhajan給出一個冥想, 去幫助身體轉化輻射的傷害.

輕輕的坐直脊椎, 抱著妳的手臂, 然後將手肘處提高至脖子的高度, 兩個手掌掌心朝外, 並作智慧手印(大拇指和食指指腹碰在一起). 
每一次深吸氣, 唱三次下列的Mantra, (如果一口氣唱不完, 可以先從一次開始):


自己唱或是在團體裡一起唱, 時間隨著你喜歡唱多久都可以.

PRAANAA 是和生命力的電子有關, APANAA 則是掃除的力量, 跟質子的有關
. SHUSHMNAA為中心力量, 跟中子有關. 唱誦的時候讓舌頭碰觸妳的上顎.

如果你的Gene Aura有一寸以上, 輻射不會把你殺死的.
如果你的內在混亂不安, 這個冥想可以幫助你平靜, 讓你放鬆, 充滿能量, 免於死亡.

感謝Ajit Kaur的分享
本篇文章源於生存手冊第11頁, Yogi Bhajan所教導的昆達里尼瑜珈. 1980年Yogi Bhajan的教導. 

From The Surivial Kit, Page 11.
Kundalini Yoga as taught by Yogi Bhajan ®
© 1980 The Teachings of Yogi Bhajan


A marvellous collection of meditations for nearly every conceivable emergency, and others to prevent those emergencies from happening! Meditations for atomic radiation, earthquake, insanity, to ward off death, to tranquilize the mind, to alleviate depression, and 25 more. Clearly illustrated and cross-indexed, this book can see you through any catastrophe! From the teachings of Yogi Bhajan, Ph.D., 1981, 85 pp, bountifully illustrated

本文來自3HO發佈訊息, Chandra Kirin Kaur 翻譯

Meditation for Atomic Radiation, Anti-Radiation Drink, and Therapeutic Baths

Yogi Bhajan taught a Meditation for Atomic Radiation on May 17, 1978.  He also gave an Anti-Radiation Juice recipe to Tarn Taran Kaur during the time of the Chernobyl nuclear disaster. We’ve also included Therapeutic Bath instructions for decreasing radiaton levels. This is all useful information for those of us who live in areas high in ‘natural’ radiation as well as those in Japan in the disaster area. 
Our dear sister, Tarn Taran Kaur, just sent us this note about dealing with radiation:
“In 1986 when the Chernobyl nuclear disaster occurred we were living in Hamburg, Germany. The winds carried the radiation west. I called Yogi Bhajan directly and he gave us this recipe:
Anti-Radiation JuiceDrink 3 glasses daily: 1 part pineapple juice, 1 part tomato juice, 1 part apple juice
The best foods to eat after radiation exposure are:
Seaweed and Miso in various forms. Also beets, carrots, onions, and garlic. Since the radiation may be on the fresh plants, sprout seeds and beans to replace fresh greens.
We practiced the Radiation Meditation diligently.
It is very important to keep the immune and nervous systems strong. Therefore keep up with yoga and meditation. Some of us were so occupied with helping others that we exhausted ourselves….don’t make that mistake. So please also take care of yourselves, stay healthy, and sleep adequately.
Our love and prayers are with you.
Tarn Taran Kaur”
Therapeutic baths can also be helpful for decreasing radiation levels and eliminating toxins.
Therapeutic Baths for Elimination of Radiation, Chemicals, and Metals
By Dr. Linda Lancaster
Therapeutic baths are utilized to cleanse and neutralize many types of pollutants.
  • Baths should be taken in water as hot as you can handle without feeling faint.
  • During the period of soaking, the toxins are drawn to the surface of the skin.
  • As the water cools to slightly below body temperature, osmotic exchange of fluids takes place and the toxins are drawn out of the body and into the tub of water.
  • If you have high blood pressure or heart weakness, do not make the bath too hot, and check with your doctor beforehand.
Sea Salt and Baking Soda Bath: For most types of Radiation
Pour one pound of pure salt and one pound of baking soda into the tub of hot water. Use sea salt or kosher salt—check the label to make sure there are not any additives. Soak in the tub for 20-30 minutes or until the water cools.
Baking Soda Bath: For Man-Made Radiations such as Barium Tests and Ingested Radioactive Isotopes
Pour two pounds of baking soda into a full tub of hot water. Soak in the tub for 20-30 minutes until the water cools.
Clorox Bath: For Elimination of Chemicals and Metals
Pour 1/2 cup of Clorox into the full tub of hot water. Soak in the tub for 20-30 minutes or until the water cools. Use only Clorox brand bleach. Do not use Fresh Scent or powdered bleach or any other brand.
Apple Cidar Vinegar Bath: For Elimination of Uric Acid Deposits and some Chemicals
Pour one quart of apple cider vinegar into a tub of hot water. Soak in the tub for 30 minutes. Sweating sometimes occurs.

