2011年12月27日 星期二

昆达利尼瑜伽与医疗保健 RAMADASA

2012年2月21-26日 8月17-22日

美国Shanti Shanti博士的“昆达利尼瑜伽与医疗保健”第一阶

或有任何問題請洽 Chandra Kirin Kaur ikytataiwan@gmail.com

Sunder 老師的新年豐盛工作坊

Sat Nam

What better way to start the New Year than 'Maha Ridhi Siddhi'  Meditation at Ramadasa China....
Blessings to you for the New Year 2012 - May it be filled with Light, Love & Peace!

这是一个开启富足之门的课程,让我们与sunder 老师一起七天深度闭关,激发每个人原本具有的内外富足的潜能。


或任何問題請洽Chandra Kirin Kaur

2011年12月24日 星期六

心的旅程 昆達里尼瑜珈印度YANTRA 早鳥優惠喔! March 2-16, 2012

Journey Into the Heart 
          India Yatra with Sunder Singh Khalsa
March 2-16, 2012
Sat Nam,

A new age, a new year, a time to meet in the lights of our hearts to celebrate the journey of life as awakening humans. 

Please join us on this transformational yatra to India with Sunder Khalsa. 
We look forward to taking this journey together!

EARLY BIRD FEE of USD2300 (until December 31, 2011).

Many blessings for the New Year,

Kundalini Yoga Asia, Yatra team

Come to India for an experience of transformation that will remain with you for the rest of your life. We welcome you to join Sunder S Khalsa on this unique journey to India to experience our spiritual heart. We will visit places and people in this ancient land, who will inspire us to experience our own richness as well as the diverse spiritual cultures of India. The yatra will start and end in Amritsar, home of the Golden Temple; we will travel to Dashmesh Sadan, Yogi Bhajan’s home in Anandpur Sahib, for a six day retreat with Sunder S Khalsa. Our yatra includes excursions to many sacred places in and around Amritsar and Anandpur Sahib, an option to fully experience the 84 steps of Goindwal, as well as guided shopping. 

For detailed information check our website
For additional information and registration contact us at

欲知詳情, 國內請聯絡 Chandra Kirin Kaur ohsophie@gmail.com

2011年12月21日 星期三

2011 冬至快樂! Happy Winter Solstice!

冬至是一年之中黑夜最長的日子, 陽光最短的時候. 也是我們能量更新和轉換的最好時機.
這個時候, 我們可以為未來播下種子, 我們祈禱, 冥想與唱誦! 讓我們在來年回到光的懷抱.

我們可以一起作 Isht Sodhana Mantra “Dhartee Hai, Akasha Hai, Guru Ram Das Hai.”, 連結地球, 藍天和Guru Ram Das 心輪的光芒. 它讓你感到存在, 呼喚內在的高我和更謙虛, 擁有美德. 讓你在來年裡獲得更多的機會和豐盛. 唱誦這個Mantra 11或是31分鐘.

Global Winter Solstice Meditation

Sat Nam Beloved Global Community, 

horseWhere-ever you will be in the world on December 21, the day of Winter Solstice where the sun shines its shortest upon the earth, join the 500 plus people attending the Winter Solstice Sadhana Celebration in Lake Wales, Florida in a worldwide meditation! 

If you are unable to be with us in person we invite you and your community to participate in a worldwide meditation to individually and collectively celebrate and harness the energy that the solstice provides for personal and collective transformation. Winter Solstice is the time of year to go deep within to renew and regenerate your energy. It is a time to plant seeds for the future and to set intentions for the next cycle as we return to light. We encourage you to join together in community at a yoga center or someone's home to practice the sacred technology of Kundalini Yoga, Meditation and Prayer. Share a meal of yogic food with each other, chant, sing or dance. Below we offer you a meditation to use for this day that we will also be practicing at the Winter Solstice Sadhana Celebration

Let's join together as a global community on this day of Solstice (Winter Solstice in the Northern Hemisphere & Summer Solstice for the Southern Hemisphere,) in the legacy of Yogi Bhajan, to practice and pray together as we renew and advance on the journey of self-mastery so we may shine and continue to serve humanity as many points of light around the Earth! 

We wish you a most uplifting and expansive solstice season, 
Team 3HO Foundation 

A perfect mantra for the Earth energy is the Isht Sodhana Mantra “Dhartee Hai, Akasha Hai, Guru Ram Das Hai.” It connects the earth and the vastness of the ether and projects it from the heart. It is done with visualization. It makes you present, calls on your highest spirit, keeps you humble and effective on your new ventures, and attracts opportunities for prosperity. Chant this mantra for 11 minutes or 31 minutes. 

Sit in easy pose, hands in gian mudra, eyes open 1/10th or closed 

As you chant “Dhartee Hai” visualize a gray earthy tone from the navel expanding on both sides down to the whole Earth and hold. As you chant “Akasha Hai” visualize from the eye brows and brow point up a vast blue sky expanding into the ethers and hold. Ad you chant “Guru Ram Das Hai” visualize from the heart center a circular huge bright white light expanding out in all directions encompassing everything in this light 

You may purchase an mp3 file of the mantra at the KRI websiteor the CD, including complete write up of meditation, at Spirit Voyage website. You can also listen to a sound clip of the mantra to pick up a rhythm to do it on your own. 

2011年12月8日 星期四


Sat Nam 大家好:




靈魂體 (Soul Body)
負面心智 (Negative Mind)
正面心智 (Positive Mind)
中性心智 (Neutral Mind)
身體 (Physical Body)
光環 (Arc Line)
Aura (Auric Body)
Prana體 (Pranic Body)
精微體 (Subtle Body)
光亮體 (Radiant Body)

1)Stretch Pose. 仰躺,雙手放在身側。頭和雙腳提起離地15公分,雙手同時向前伸直抬起,略高於大腿,掌心相對、間距同樣約15公分。這樣能使能量積蓄於丹田。手指指向腳趾,眼睛注視鼻尖。在這個姿勢做火呼吸。1-3分鐘。

環抱雙膝於胸前,將鼻子塞進膝蓋之間。 在這個姿勢做火呼吸。1-3分鐘。

小我消除式(Ego Eradicator)。呈獨身坐姿(Celibate Pose,一種屁股著地的跪姿)或輕鬆坐姿。雙手皆向上舉高至60度,四指向根部指節蜷曲、拇指挺出指向頭頂上方的延伸交點,眼睛閉上,意識專注於此交點。在這個姿勢做火呼吸。1-3分鐘。結束時吸氣、雙手拇指來到頭的上方相碰,然後吐氣、根鎖,再次吸氣、放鬆。

生命神經伸展式(Life Nerve Strech)。兩腳打開伸展、坐直。吸氣,雙手高舉過頭;吐氣,向左側伸展前彎,抓住左腳趾。再次吸氣向上,接著吐氣換邊伸展。持續1-3分鐘。


Spinal Flex (騎駱駝)。輕鬆坐姿,雙手抓住小腿。吸氣,脊椎向前挺出、骨盆前滾;吐氣,蜷曲脊椎、骨盆後滾。保持頭部水平,手臂輕鬆地伸直。1-3分鐘。

Spinal Flex. 坐在腳跟上,雙手平放於大腿處。吸氣脊椎前挺、吐氣向後。專注在第三眼。持續1-3分鐘。
維持坐在腳跟上。兩手抓住雙肩,四指在前、拇指在後。 吸氣向左延伸扭轉,吐氣向右延伸扭轉。保持手肘與地面平行。1-3分鐘。 (請勿換邊施做。)

雙手交握呈金星鎖 (Venus lock)。 吸氣,雙臂延伸向上、高舉過頭;吐氣,雙手回到大腿上。1-3分鐘。




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 冥想:Laya 瑜珈冥想

輕鬆坐姿,雙手呈智慧指印 (拇指和食指相碰,其餘指頭輕鬆伸直)放在膝上。唱誦:

                 Ek Ong Kaar (uh)
             Saa-Taa-Naa-Maa (uh)
          Siree Wha (uh)
             Hay Guroo

"Ek"的時候收丹田。唱至"uh"的時候都把橫膈膜有力地再提起一些,使得"uh"的聲音是由橫膈膜的收縮來帶動,而非有意識地去發音。在唱到"Hay Guroo"的時候便放鬆你的腹部。這個冥想是一個三又二分之一圈的循環。隨著呼吸,觀想聲音從你脊椎的底部旋繞而上,在三又二分之一圈時直達頭頂。持續11-31分鐘。