Dear all, Sat Nam
7-8pm Kriya for the Heart Chakra
8-9pm Meditation of Miracle Mantra,(mantra download)
As the air tattva dominates this season of our shift it means we are hit with a whirlwind of ideas inside us and in the world: clashes of ideology, impulsive ideas, intuitive brilliance, and spiritual longing. The old ideas will be challenged. But we do not quite have the full sense of space that allows change to manifest. That comes with the last tattva- the ether. We are poised, energized, impelled, and impaled by arrows of thought that come in legion.
We need above all the neutral mind. We must–before taking any action–drop judgment and bias. We need a healthy skepticism to let our own certainty relax and to invite the rise of new creativity–the gentle nudges of our global kundalini.
我们需要上述所有中性的心意。我们必须 – 在任何行动之前 – 放下一切判断和恐惧。
The neutral mind only begins after the fourth chakra. The qualities of this mantra (Guru Guru Wahe Guru, Guru Ram Das Guru) tap the power of that neutral mind. Only then can healing happen–as the old battles are released, the old questions redefined. Then we can be fully engaged and present to the miracle of being human together.
This is not a time for a new leader, a new religion, a new belief, or a new promise. This is a time to awaken, mature, deliver, and live with spirit and courageous kindness.
This is how I understood this time and why we shared this special miracle mantra from Yogi Bhajan. He gave this mantra to my wife, Gurucharan Kaur Khalsa, to experience a personal miracle when all things seemed impossible and conflicted. And she did. We both did. Then he explained its dynamics to me and gave me the experience of its depths. Now people practice this mantra around the world for healing, as a sadhana, for a 40-day practice. One act of kindness and blessing now blesses us all as One and is a legacy we can share.
Enjoy this mantra however you can. It has immediate effects, for it taps the timelessness beyond the mind’s tumult and conflict.
Kriya for the Heart Chakra
1. Sit in easy pose or in a chair with a straight spine. Breathe deep and
restfully, gently, rapidly tapping the heart center in the middle of the chest
with your fingertips. Gradually increase intensity, hit with knuckles, then
gradually decrease intensity again, fading out. Focus at the third eye point.
Be aware of the kind of energy that focuses here. Try consciously to release
some of it outwards (3 mins.).
2. Still in easy pose, same focus, stretch left arm straight up, right arm in Gyan
Mudra, breathe long and deep, at first shallow, making breath deeper (1 ½
mins.). Then repeat with right arm straight up, left are in Gyan Mudra (1 ½
3. Remain in easy pose, same focus at the third eye point. Stretch both arms
up, fingers spread wide, tense, breathe very long and deep for 1 minute.
Maintain the position, relax your arms and fingers, continue long deep
breathing, circulate breath through the whole body (1 min.).
4. Lay on your back. Inhale with mental sound “Sat,” raising right arm and left
leg to 90 degrees; exhale on mental sound “Nam,” lower down arm and leg.
Repeat in similar way with other arm and leg, continue alternating, powerful
breathing (10 mins.). Meditate on a little flame in the heart All the blood will
get circulated through the whole circulatory system twice. Relax for 3 – 5
mins. In corpse pose. Feel the beating of the Universal Heart.
5. Sit on your heels (Rock Pose). Stretch arms up to 60 degrees, pull
shoulders back, fold first knuckle of fingers toward tops of palms, point
thumbs straight up, focus at the third eye point. Do vigorous breath of fire,
6 mins. This is called “Ego Eradicator” because you must surrender to your
higher strength in order to complete it. To end, imagine a rainbow forming
between your thumbs, then inhale deep, gracefully bringing the thumbs
together over your head, exhale and stretch, inhale, exhale and let the arms
come down, clasped in Venus Lock in your lap.
6. Lie on your back and laugh at the universe. When laughing, do it as if
you are seeing something wonderful happening and you are enjoying
it! Laughing is one exercise to raise your consciousness and it is also a
comfort to the heart.
7. Trea Kriya. This is a very powerful laya yoga kriya. Sit on left heel with
right foot on left thigh; hold right foot with hands, keeping the right knee off
the floor. Chant long and clear, “Ong,” pull navel point in tight, concentrate
there; then chant “Sohang,” several tones higher, releasing the navel point
and letting the energy flow up to the heart center, concentrating there (the
mantra means, “Creator, I am that.”). (10 mins. – 31 mins.)
Trea Kriya。是一个强有力的Laya瑜伽。坐在左脚的腿后跟上把右脚放在左
8. Meditate with palms at the heart center. Pray for the peace of all humanity,
projecting rays of light from the heart center.
注释:The Heart Center (4th Chakra) is the gate between the lower and higher
chakras. Potential spiritual forces rising from the lower centers must pass this
gate of compassion before a person can experience a durable and selfless