2011年12月21日 星期三

2011 冬至快樂! Happy Winter Solstice!

冬至是一年之中黑夜最長的日子, 陽光最短的時候. 也是我們能量更新和轉換的最好時機.
這個時候, 我們可以為未來播下種子, 我們祈禱, 冥想與唱誦! 讓我們在來年回到光的懷抱.

我們可以一起作 Isht Sodhana Mantra “Dhartee Hai, Akasha Hai, Guru Ram Das Hai.”, 連結地球, 藍天和Guru Ram Das 心輪的光芒. 它讓你感到存在, 呼喚內在的高我和更謙虛, 擁有美德. 讓你在來年裡獲得更多的機會和豐盛. 唱誦這個Mantra 11或是31分鐘.

Global Winter Solstice Meditation

Sat Nam Beloved Global Community, 

horseWhere-ever you will be in the world on December 21, the day of Winter Solstice where the sun shines its shortest upon the earth, join the 500 plus people attending the Winter Solstice Sadhana Celebration in Lake Wales, Florida in a worldwide meditation! 

If you are unable to be with us in person we invite you and your community to participate in a worldwide meditation to individually and collectively celebrate and harness the energy that the solstice provides for personal and collective transformation. Winter Solstice is the time of year to go deep within to renew and regenerate your energy. It is a time to plant seeds for the future and to set intentions for the next cycle as we return to light. We encourage you to join together in community at a yoga center or someone's home to practice the sacred technology of Kundalini Yoga, Meditation and Prayer. Share a meal of yogic food with each other, chant, sing or dance. Below we offer you a meditation to use for this day that we will also be practicing at the Winter Solstice Sadhana Celebration

Let's join together as a global community on this day of Solstice (Winter Solstice in the Northern Hemisphere & Summer Solstice for the Southern Hemisphere,) in the legacy of Yogi Bhajan, to practice and pray together as we renew and advance on the journey of self-mastery so we may shine and continue to serve humanity as many points of light around the Earth! 

We wish you a most uplifting and expansive solstice season, 
Team 3HO Foundation 

A perfect mantra for the Earth energy is the Isht Sodhana Mantra “Dhartee Hai, Akasha Hai, Guru Ram Das Hai.” It connects the earth and the vastness of the ether and projects it from the heart. It is done with visualization. It makes you present, calls on your highest spirit, keeps you humble and effective on your new ventures, and attracts opportunities for prosperity. Chant this mantra for 11 minutes or 31 minutes. 

Sit in easy pose, hands in gian mudra, eyes open 1/10th or closed 

As you chant “Dhartee Hai” visualize a gray earthy tone from the navel expanding on both sides down to the whole Earth and hold. As you chant “Akasha Hai” visualize from the eye brows and brow point up a vast blue sky expanding into the ethers and hold. Ad you chant “Guru Ram Das Hai” visualize from the heart center a circular huge bright white light expanding out in all directions encompassing everything in this light 

You may purchase an mp3 file of the mantra at the KRI websiteor the CD, including complete write up of meditation, at Spirit Voyage website. You can also listen to a sound clip of the mantra to pick up a rhythm to do it on your own. 

