2011年6月10日 星期五

六月兩岸月圓冥想 <平衡心智, 修復自我內在的力量>



注解:挤压像是你从石头向外挤水一样,你会发现你的手掌中心成为了真空。它将使你敏感的察觉到生命是如何流动的,经验它。最大限度的挤压 密闭双手,看着鼻尖,集中并挤压。你的呼吸会变得不同,你的存在也变得不同,这时便开始消除身体的疾病,通过视神经双焦点零角度,调服松果腺和脑垂体。

Sit in Easy Pose. Hands are locked in front of the heart center, palm to palm, the four fingers folded around the opposite hand. Look at the tip of the nose. Squeeze the hands. 3-1/2 Minutes. Synchronize the entire body. Squeeze the entire body as tightly as you squeeze the hands. 3-1/2 Minutes.

Comments: Squeeze like you are squeezing water out of a stone. You will find an air vacuum in your palms. It will give you sensitivity of how life flows. Experience it. Squeeze the hands with maximum tightness. Look at the tip of nose, concentrate, and squeeze. You will breathe differently, exist differently, and start to eliminate disease from your body.

2、立即背部朝下躺着,手臂和双腿朝上90度, 伸直并收紧,手心掌朝向膝盖,手指张开。两分钟。
 Immediately lie down on your back. Bring the arms and legs up to 90°—straight and tight. Palms are facing the knees. Spread the fingers wide. 2 Minutes.

Bring the knees to the chest and wrap your arms around the knees. Bring the nose to the knees. Don’t cross the feet. Stabilize. 3-1/2 Minutes.

4、进入挺尸式,让身体放松。播放Kulwant singh’Chattr Chakkr Varti 的录音。1分钟。


Come into Corpse Pose and let the body relax. The Kulwant Singh Version of Chattr Chakkr Varti is played. 1 Minute.

Comments: Nap. Hypnotically sleep. Conquer the environments. Don’t let the body move but imagine you are out of your body, let your soul look at it, and dance.

Cat stretch to each side and transition to standing. 30 Seconds.

6、双手举起在肩膀之上舞蹈,在整个过程保持手向上举。继续播放Chattr Chakkr Varti 2分半,其余的舞蹈播放Gatka这个节奏。整个舞蹈过程中只有一只脚着地,热情的舞动, 11分钟。放松臀部,震动你的胸腔,收紧与放松颈部与脸部。要舞动身体的每一个部位。一拍中扭动身体八次。向上提升kundalini能量. 从而带来无限的疗愈。这是一个Ashta – 8拍的节奏,一个Ashtang Natiem.他被称作shiva 的舞蹈。

Dance with hands up above the shoulders. Keep the hands up the entire time. Chattr Chakkr Varti continues playing for 2-1/2 Minutes. Rhythms of Gatka is played for the remainder of the dance. Keep only one foot on the ground at a time. Dance vigorously. 11 minutes total Open the hips, shake the rib cage, tighten and loosen the neck, the face. Every part of the body has to dance. Eight twists of the body in one beat. Raise the Kundalini. Infinite healing can take place. This is an Ashta—eight— beat rhythm, an Ashtang Natiem. It is called Shiva Dance

Sit down and relax. 3-1/2 minutes.

Massage the armpits deeply; each hand massaging the opposite armpit concurrently. 1-1/2 minutes. This will stimulate the three nervous systems and give you a new life.

Beat the upper part of your chest with your fists. 1/2 minute. Then beat the thighs just above the knee. Fast and heavy. It has a soothing effect. 1/2 minute.



1、  在简易坐中伸直你的脊柱,将你的手指尖放在肩膀。肘部朝向两侧水平于肩。闭着眼睛,通过鼻子呼吸,吸气8次抽动,呼气8次抽动。保持你的脊柱伸直。5分半

2、  向前伸展你的双臂,两手一起掌心向上,左手在右手下方。你的水果在右手掌中,保持你的手臂伸直不要弯曲肘部。闭着眼睛,专注。吸气8次抽动,呼气8次抽动。5分半。深吸气,伸出你的双手,屏息10秒,呼气。吃掉你的果实。坐或放松11分钟。

在这22分钟你事实上是召唤你的内部储备能量来达到健康和提升自己。 深广的智慧和智力是在你的内部设计好的,如果你呼唤他你就可以得到。8次抽动的呼吸创造性的引起了土和以太之间的链接,在自身之中的两极,精微的和粗糙的。

